Good Saturday

I’m happy the weekend is here, this weekend in specific we are taking care of my parents dog Boomer. He already has had quite the weekend staying the weekend at my house rather than theirs. We also took him to University Park in College Station. He ran around and explored some and then played with the other dogs that showed up while we were there. He was very tried at the end of that. Jen and I came back and grabbed some lunch (Boston’s in Aggieland is half priced pizza, we saved 16.50 on 2 mediums) and watched part of the Nascar Nationwide Texas Race that my parents are attending. Unfortunately, we don’t have cable here at the house, and it wasn’t available on ESPN 360 like last year, so I don’t’ get to finish it.

Work this week went quite well. Made some real progress towards finish the EMS eCAD Web Interface. I hope it turns out as well as I ambition. We will go another few days on double labels as we found a few more on Friday. Crystal Reports has become my friend here in the last week as I created a few reports in it and have found that it is very friendly for database exploration. Anyways, Have a Good Weekend and Enjoy Chilifest.
